Braised Tofu in Signature Sauce 醬滷百頁豆腐 240g - 春水堂

Please note the BBD of this product is 21/ 08/2024. 

About Braised Tofu in Signature Sauce

Based on Chun Shui Tang's signature tea food, we are committed to researching and developing a variety of plant-based series of marinades, accompanied by five spices to add a variety of layers to enrich the taste of enjoyment, so that we can taste Taiwan's classic and authentic traditional food in 10,000 miles away from the United Kingdom, as well as to protect the Mother Earth - the Earth, and taste together with the vegetable marinade it!

Tofu is the best way to absorb the essence of the marinade and give you a flavorful, juicy and smooth taste the moment you bite into it. More than 20 kinds of Chinese medicinal spices and a century of soy sauce refined marinade braised tofu, accompanied by a special sauce of Taiwan Oolong tea, tofu soft Q tender, tea mellow!


以春水堂招牌茶食為本,致力研發多款植基系列滷味聖品,佐以五辛香料倍添多元的層次豐富味覺享受,讓我們在一萬哩以外的英國各地,也能品嚐到台灣經典且風味地道的傳統美食,並兼顧守護大地之母 - 地球,一起品嚐蔬食滷味吧!


    Braised Tofu in Signature Sauce Cooking Instruction

    1. Defrost at room temperature for 3 hours.
    2. Remove outer sleeve and pierce film.
    3. DO NOT remove the film and put into microwave (700W) for 3 minutes.
    4. Open the film and ready to eat.